Tam Hangers is having its activities and performance with reputable and reliable position human rights and the concept of creating a respectful work environment or by employees, customers and aims to increase the awareness and the awareness of stakeholders.
Tam Hangers personnels are enforced within the framework of respect for human rights to relations with its customers. According to Tam Hangers ethical principles we are liable to language, religion, race, gender, philosophical belief, sect, and so on. without discrimination based on reasons of honesty, trust, fairness, transparency perform in the framework of principles, such relationships away from behavior that is perceived as ill-treatment and is obliged to continue to disrupt the work environment.
Tam Hangers Managers are obliged to notify for any bad treatment which may take the necessary measures to prevent discrimination and harassment or any suspected cases to human resources. For any cases staff can complaints on this issue to managers or transmit directly to Human Resources.
Such complaints are not used against the person who made the complaint and seriously examine the situation and solved. Tam Hangers is responsible to take any administrative sanction when notice discrimination, harassment, and so on.
According to Human Rights policy, which is prohibited by national legislation and international agreements that Turkey and the restrictions on party activities and child workers employed, there is apparently no violation of human rights by individuals and organizations in commercial activity.
Tam Hangers, in 2013, under the Republic of Turkey Family and Social Policy Ministry leadership of the World Economic Forum, a collaboration with "That has signed the Equality Declaration and discrimination based on gender with the said declaration, to comply voluntarily with the principles for the elimination and the country is committed to be a pioneer in the promotion of these principles. Tam Hangers already support the perform on the basis of gender equality HR practices, new recruitment that employs to participate of women in the workforce and female employees. We take the necessary measures to provide healthy, security and prosperity, equality and peace work aims to continue the work environment for all male and female personnal.
Tam Hangers ensure equal opportunities when hiring new employee or for career development need without any discrimination between staff. Tam Hangers provide female staff to continue they career path from where they left after they become mother. We career to provide them to benefit fully from the opportunities on an equal footing and thus aims to maintain a work environment that protects the work-family life balance.
Tam Hangers staff are employed in accordance with the 4857 Law. We respects the constitutional right to collective bargaining and the right to unionize. Tam Hangers show maximum care to its employees to create a healthy business environment. Occupational Health and Safety(OHS) issues, in taking the necessary measures in accordance with legal regulations, employees are given training on occupational health and safety.
Tam Hangers employee’s working conditions, employee rights, duties and responsibilities, wishes and complaints are forwarded to the human resources and are being followed. Tam Hangers do not discriminate between candidates when assignment of staff required in the provision on criteria other than competence promotion process.
Tam Hangers is against to forced compulsory labor and expects the same approach from their customers under various policies statements issued on human rights.